Aurélia Joly
Design & experiences
The College of Extraordinary
Experiences 2024
Scenography - lights - activations
Offside x Plan A June 24
Scenography - long dinner table - flower arrangments - set design
Hédoné Paris 2024
Head of scenography - art installation - management of team - long table dinner design - Workshop facilitator
Playgrounded Berlin 2024
Experience design, production and facilitation
A playground for adults where the participants explore their creativity and relationship to nature through embodiment, meditation, improv games, music and magic.
Kamiwaza 2023
• Head of production - General scenography direction - branding - team management •
« Aurelia can combine structured thinking and effective problem solving while remaining authentic and showing a great deal of empathy, which makes the collaboration smooth and powerful.»
- JB Le Marois
Booker & Artist care (collab on Kamiwaza 2022 & 2023)
Hédoné Seminar 2023
• General déco of the event : group management & déco during build up •
" Aurelia is a kick-ass dedicated deco fairy. She’ll make the most out of nothing and transform a place in a snap. Her eye and energy are unvaluable assets to have on any type of production."
Damian Aratohn
Head of production of Hédoné Paris
Château Perché 2023
• Atlantide Temple - Main stage : conception, design, creative direction •
« When you integrated me to the project, I felt like you shared everything with me, you showed me your process, your inspirations, what you were working towards… You kind of introduced me to your world and then you let me do and express whatever I felt like. It was playful and free, I was able to suggest ideas without jugement and with a real listening and interest from your part and it was natural for you take them into the final project. You weren’t attached to a kind of strict authorship view on your work but still listened to your desires and wants and this balance in your leader role was very inspiring to see. A real from of trust built itself between us and our collaboration was very fluid, I felt like we understood itch other very well. You gave me responsibilities and let me try things in multiples areas of the work and I learned a lot ! If I had to describe how it felt to work with you I would say generous and attentive and the outcome of that was a lot of stimulation and playfulness.»
- Héloise Delcros
Arts Décos & Beaux Arts Student & former intern
Château Perché 2022
• Umiko boat - Main stage : conception, design, creative direction - Stage mgmt •
« J’ai aimé travaille avec toi parce que tu es organisée et respectueuse des deadlines, ce qui, à mon sens permet de se focaliser plus sereinement sur la partie créative, les échanges d’idées, la mise en place le jour J car je sais qu’en amont on aura réfléchi ensemble et qu’on sera prêtes pour contrebalancer tout contre temps. Tu as une esthétique bien à toi et à la faculté de travailler avec des matériaux recyclés, les détourner et en faire des installations créatives, ce qui permet de proposer des choses qu’on ne voit pas partout»
- Kristy Michaud
Head of Scenography - Château perché
Bucht der Träumer 2022
• Atlantis submarine - Main stage : conception, design, creative direction •
« Aurelia is organised and structured in her making process. The creativity shine through her skin. I enjoyed being able to communicate and balance our own energy in order to create a common one. Efficiency is also an adjective for Aurelia, she can adapt to any deadline.»
- Marin Kessler
Artist (we collab for many events)
Kamiwaza 2022
• Head of scenography - Branding - coordination build •
« You are super great and open to conversation. Whenever there are problems, you tend to listen to all possible solutions before deciding what is and will be the best.»
- Don Alex Albert
Musician & stage builder
Production - group leading
• Some insights in production & group management during a build •